Rounding out the relaxing work/ movie day with a little Mexican fare and Margaritas with close friends in Midtown tonight might make it the perfect day. I don't know a lot of people my age anymore who love old(er) movies and I certainly don't know any gals who love The History Channel and I don't really get it. I always have something to talk about - especially with guys. There isn't a fella alive who wants to listen to a girl talk about running errands or shopping and cooking or even work or their intuitive pet cat. Honestly, there's not. His interest in all that junk is only temporary and is relative to your attractiveness (Demetri Martin explains that here). But I have kept so many conversations going with "oh, yeah, I think I saw something about that on Modern Marvels!" Seriously. But keep the Shirley Temple talk on the DL...that's a gals-only topic.
It's a shame young girls get the impression that to attract men you have to hide your brain.
Intellectual conversation is nearly constant around my house now, but I remember being a teenager and trying to act dumb so I looked cuter.
Ugh. So bad for girls! We should be teaching to have an opinion of their own... even if it is about cooking or whatever. Knowing what your talking about is alluring! (And freeing)
Oh, and I used to be a member of the History Book Club. So I probably would like The History Channel.
Hi Meg, just cruising around and found your blog. And you made me smile on my rainy afternoon. Your life is so very different from mine but isn't that the great thing about the internet...people passing by and chatting who would have never met. I'll be back to visit soon. Sally
Thanks Sally! Welcome aboard my complain train! So glad you caught me on a sunny day!
Cannwinn, I agree! But I don't personally know a lot of girls who hide their brain. I do know a whole lot of girls who just don't know how to carry on a conversation. I like to talk about silly stuff, too, but my mind starts to wander when the convo drifts into The Bachelor or something really lame like that.
I don't have any channels on my TV so when the conversation heads towards most shows I get bored. Other than Heroes and West Wing... those I could talk about forever.
My husband is going to law school though so our conversations rarely get dull.
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