Not to dwell in the past but I had one of those stereotypical crappy Mondays today. It was really bad. Shoulda'-stayed-in-bed bad.
Office Space "Somebody has a case of the Mondays" bad. I know that somewhere, someone had a far worse day than I but I'm so bitter that I can't see past my own pitiful problems.
I have gone through a few rounds of interviews for a big-deal job for a huge mega-corporation and got the "thanks but no thanks" email today after filling out the "obligatory affirmative-action form" - are they allowed to tell me that they aren't hiring me because of my race?? Because it's a majority? Seems weird to me. That drama was followed by a text from my best friend backing out on our plans to go see
Mary Poppins at
The Fox on Thursday (which we'd had planned since January) because her 9-month-old has "been fussy" the last few nights and she can't leave her at home with the dad for a few hours because he won't be able to sleep well that night. It really amazes me. I know that I'm their only single friend but they must not realize that none of my other friends are single so I do actually have a point of reference for such things. Of all of my friends with offspring, they are the only ones who are always freaking out.
Mother Theresa, I am not. Can you imagine? "You have malaria, child? Oh, yeah, well I have to go stag to Mary Poppins, so get over it." So, it's not exactly
that bad. But then.....
"He's Just Not That Into Me" ex-boyfriend got married over the weekend. She can have him, seriously. But why does this kind of news always kick you when you're down? Why never on the day that you win the lottery? I had secretly hoped that they'd not make it through their engagement so I could say "see what a jerk he was!?" Mr. and Mrs. Jerk are now on their honeymoon in the tropics and will be residing in their new home in Dallas, TX upon their return next week. They are not registered because "with each other, we have everything we need." To quote
Christian Siriano, "I think I just died from barfness."