Thursday, April 29, 2010

Killer Diller

Not entirely unrelated to my last post, I just found out that my favorite snack food has been discontinued.  So long, Mt. Olive Petite Snack Crunchers!  I hate it when stuff I love gets discontinued. Like when you find the best nail lacquer or the perfect lip stick only to return to the store and not find it waiting excitedly for you to take it home with you.  I know there are better pickles out there, but I don't like a big, whole dill pickle and the cut pickles get kind of soggy and I don't like the texture of the inside part of the pickled cucumber so the petite whole pickle was made for me.

Guess I'll have to move on to gherkins.


Cannwin said...

My Wal-Mart used to have this drink mix... Ocean-Spray cran/peach. I bought it on a whim one day and loved it! Then when I went back to get more they didn't sell it anymore and I can't find it anywhere.


I feel your pain.

Anonymous said...

Try the Vlasic sweet butter chips that have the word "zing" in the description. They're DEElish!!!


Meg said...

Now you've got me looking for the Cran-Peach! I saw some online but not at the store...

Diane - I bought a jar of Vlasic Snack'mms Baby Dills - even better than the old Mt. Olives! Super crunchy! And since I don't eat potato chips but love crunchy snacks, they are awesome! Thanks for the suggestion!